Lunch was delicious and romantic, but later that night we got into our first argument. My new water bottle wanted to stay home and watch Girl Interrupted, but I wanted to go out for drinks. Anyway, after a huge shouting match, I ended up leaving to go meet my friends at Montero's and my new water bottle just stayed home, sulking. To show my new water bottle that I am my own person and don't have to hang out with her every single second, even though she is the hottest thing I have ever laid eyes on, I stayed out all night and most of the following day. We finally made up around 1:00 am on Sunday morning...
Truthfully, things have not been going that well with my new water bottle. She is gorgeous and has a slamming body, but otherwise is sort of an empty vessel, which is weird in that she is a water bottle... Anyway, we don't really have anything in common and I desperately want to find a way out, but then I see her again and can't believe someone so impossibly hot would want to be with me. Not surprisingly, I have not figured out a way to extract myself from the relationship, so she ended up coming to the Seder I co-hosted with my friend, Rebecca, on Saturday, April 11:

Do you notice how my new water bottle is totally looking over my shoulder as I mix the potato kugel batter? So clingy!

Oh - still watching my every move like a hawk? Stop suffocating me!

Well, at least we both love perfectly roasted chicken, so there is no real reason to break up just yet...